
Photos (Left to Right): “Searching Eva” (Credit: CORSO Film), “Born in Evin” (Credit: Tondowski Films), “My Father the Spy” (Credit: Mistrus Media), “The Golden Girl” (Credit: Edmont Media) & “Scheme Birds (Credit: Sysifos Film AB)

Photos (Left to Right): “Searching Eva” (Credit: CORSO Film), “Born in Evin” (Credit: Tondowski Films), “My Father the Spy” (Credit: Mistrus Media), “The Golden Girl” (Credit: Edmont Media) & “Scheme Birds (Credit: Sysifos Film AB)

Syndicado Releasing Five Acclaimed Documentaries

By or About Extraordinary Women From Around the Globe 

on All Major Streaming/VOD Platforms in North America Starting June 2, 2020

Toronto, Ontario - Syndicado, an international film and television distribution and sales group, is releasing five acclaimed and award-winning documentaries on VOD in North America starting June 2 on Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and Vimeo. Four out of the five films are either directed by or co-directed by female filmmakers, but each film tells stories about extraordinary women from all walks of life and generations, from millennials to Baby Boomers, and from around the globe.

As the world is sheltering in place to flatten the curve and stop the spread of COVID-19, these films allow audiences to live vicariously through these very different women, and it’s only fitting to start on Tuesday, June 2 with Pia Hellenthal’s “Searching Eva” (Special Mention, DOX:Award, CPH:DOX 2019), the provocative story of a young woman who uses the Internet to share her life in the public eye. 

We also follow three women in search of answers to mysterious happenings in their lives: On Tuesday, June 9 in “Born in Evin” (Winner, Berlinale 2019 – Compass Perspektive Award), director Maryam Zaree is on a quest to find out the violent circumstances surrounding her birth inside one of the most notorious political prisons in the world in Iran; On Tuesday, June 16 in Jaak Kilmi and Gints Grube’s “My Father the Spy” (Official Selection, Sheffield Doc/Fest) many years after Ieva Lešinska-Geibere (an award-winning translator and one of the key names in literary journalism today) defected with her father from Latvia to the U.S. in 1978, sets out on a journey to retrace the accounts of their past, confronting family secrets, lies and betrayal; and coming in July (Date TBD) in Adrian Robe and Denisa Morariu-Tamaș’s “The Golden Girl” (Official Selection, Sarajevo Film Festival), Romanian gymnast Andreea Răducan seeks answers as to why she was stripped of her Olympic gold medal in Sydney 2000.

And on Tuesday, June 30 Ellen Fiske and Ellinor Hallin’s 2019 Tribeca Film Festival Albert Maysles New Documentary Director Award winner “Scheme Birds” is a tender, yet magnetic coming-of-age tale of Gemma, a soon-to-be mother on the verge of adulthood in a fading steel town in Scotland.

Syndicado’s release schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


By Pia Hellenthal | 84' | 2019 | Germany  - Trailer

Special Mention, DOX:Award, CPH:DOX 2019; Official Selections of Berlinale, IDFA, Hot Docs, AFI DOCS

“I dedicate my life to showing the world that one can pretend to be whoever they want,” says Eva Collé, the protagonist of Pia Hellenthal’s enthralling documentary “Searching Eva.” Eva, 25, drifter, Berliner, pet-owner, poet, lesbian, sex worker, virgo, housewife, addict, feminist, model, declared privacy an outdated concept at the age of 14. This is the tale of a young woman growing up in the age of the internet, turning the search for oneself into a public spectacle, challenging you on what a woman “should be.” Through her fragmented personalities you see the emergence of a generation, in which the concept of a fixed identity has grown old. A portrait of modern existence. “...a lively, provocative and surprisingly engaging account of a smart, warts-and-all young woman for whom identity is a work in progress” - Little White Lies

June 9, 2020


By Maryam Zaree | 98’ | 2019 | Germany, Austria - Trailer

Winner, Berlinale 2019 – Compass Perspektive Award; Official Selection of Hot Docs, Human Rights Watch Film Festival

Follow filmmaker and actress Maryam Zaree on her quest to find out the violent circumstances surrounding her birth inside one of the most notorious political prisons in the world. Exactly 40 years have passed since the monarchy of the Shah of Iran was toppled and the Islamic Republic declared. In the 1980’s Ayatollah Khomeini, the so-called religious leader, had tens of thousands of political opponents arrested, persecuted and murdered. Among them the filmmaker’s parents who, after years in prison, managed to seek asylum in Germany. The family never talked about their persecution and imprisonment. Zaree faces the decades-long silence and explores her own questions about the place and the circumstances of her birth. “ intriguing tale of perseverance...” - In the Seats

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


By Jaak Kilmi, Gints Grube | 84' | 2019 | Latvia, USA, Germany - Trailer

Official Selection of Sheffield Doc/Fest, EBS International Documentary Festival, Doc Soup

As a young Soviet student in 1978, Ieva Lešinska-Geibere could not have predicted that a holiday visit to her father, Imants Lešinskis, then working in the Soviet mission at the United Nations in New York City, would irreversibly split her life in two. Entangled in a dark spy game, Leva is forced to leave her former life behind, never to see her mother or her homeland of Latvia again. Pulling back the curtain on the shady behind-the-scenes world of the Cold War, this film tells a daughter’s dramatic story of her double-agent father, exploring their relationship against the backdrop of events which have their roots over four decades ago. In order to find herself and understand the game she was part of, Leva sets out on a journey to the past, confronting family secrets, lies and betrayal.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


By Ellen Fiske, Ellinor Hallin | 90' | 2019 | Sweden, UK - Trailer

Winner, 2019 Tribeca Film Festival, Albert Maysles New Documentary Director Award; Official selections of Hot Docs, Denver Film Festival

“Scheme Birds” bursts with the frustration of a generation of Scots let down by society’s promises. We see the fading steel town through the eyes of Gemma, a soon-to-be mother on the verge of adulthood. In a place where you “either get knocked up or locked up,” Gemma carves out brief moments of tenderness amidst the violence of her local scheme. “Ellen Fiske and Ellinor Hallin announce themselves as docmakers to watch with this piercing chronicle.” - Variety

And in coming in September:

Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020


By Adrian Robe, Denisa Morariu-Tamaș | 94’ | 2019 | Romania - Trailer

Official selection of Sarajevo Film Festival, Astra Film Festival

For the Romanian gymnast Andreea Răducan, the loss of her Olympic gold medal in Sydney 2000 is still a trauma. Fifteen years later, she tries to understand, through the eyes of an adult, what has actually happened. 

ABOUT Syndicado

Syndicado is a digital distribution and sales company based in Toronto, Canada and now with a presence in the USA and Europe. Working with the leading US based VOD and Canadian cable VOD outlets, and a focus on content partnerships with traditional sales agencies and distributors, Syndicado has released over 5,000 hours of films and TV series internationally since its inception in 2009.

In 2014 the company expanded to theatrical releasing in the USA and Canada with the first film being “Elena,” Petra Costa’s haunting IDFA documentary now available on Netflix globally. And in 2016 the company launched a documentary focused sales agency, Syndicado Film Sales with a presence in Europe. The company acquires up to 12 films per year and  attends all the major international markets.



The New York Times - Critic’s Pick



Filmmaker Magazine


Brian Geldin